NEF SERVICE SRL is also involved in infrastructure and excavation works. Among the important projects portfolio of NEF SERVICE SRL , there are Outlet Romania – a project extending on 16.5 ha, excavations and supports for the Cubic Center project, participation, together with Wiebe Romania in the rehabilitation of Cernavoda – Bucharest railway, participation, as a subcontractor, in the earthworks for the biggest silo in Europe, in Medgidia, as well as for a NATO base in the same region. Another company we have worked for is Metro, which requires manly infrastructure works.
NEF SERVICE SRL is also prepared for more that 40 m deep excavations, as in 2009 such a project is to start.
The company has obtained all the certifications required by the legislation in force, plus the certificates confirming the quality of the services and the conformity of the products, ever since the first sorting unit has been opened.
NEF SERVICE SRL has been executing excavations since 1999, having therefore a significant experience in the field. This is why big investors prefer our services.
The company provides, by contract, excavation and evacuation of 2500 m3/day – 7000 m3/day, depending on the requests and on the equipment involved.
The machines used for this purpose are big-size Caterpillar and Volvo excavators, as well as Mercedes tippers.
We are a company in a continuous development and we are open to any collaboration proposal in achieving of the different projects. We shall also publish regularly our cooperation offers and news as well. You may access the section of services offered, realizing in this way a perspective regarding the collaboration opportunities.
We are at your disposal with a huge base of equipments and labour’s capital, very professional which grant the success of any project in which NEF SERVICE is implied.
If you wish to establish a partnership relation with us do not hesitate to contact us.
Our Marketing Department will establish in the shortest time a direct link with you.
Interview Magasine "MACHINES-EQUIPMENTS for constructions"
10 September 2007: there are only 3 months up to the opening of the biggest station of sorting-crushing in the country.500 mc/h[...]
We launched www.nefservice.ro site presentation of the company. Since we understand the need of a professional presentation and the huge potential of development which INTERNET offers[...]
We acquired two excavators long reach type 345 and 365 CATTERPILAR.[...]
Bd. Laminorului, no.47, Sector 1, Bucharest
E-mail: office@nefservice.ro