The Press
In September will take place the opening of the biggest pit ballast in Romania. A very ambitious project sustained by important investments.
NEF SERVICE reached this performance step by step, the first pit ballast being acquired 4 years ago. The following pit ballast will be also endowed with the biggest sorting station in Romania, equipped with two shaking screens of 16 m² for sorting the crushed rocks and a crusher of 90 m³/h.
"We are making the complete proceedings of setting of the sorting station, its components being expected to arrive as well. Even the station will be a premiere for Romania since it has an efficiency of 500m³/h, being the biggest station in south of Europe. The most important thing is the entire capacity of the station which covers the orders. Both the station and the crusher with a capacity of 90m³/h are new."
Neacsu Florin is the unique partner of NEF SERVICE. It has been permanently working at the structure of the new pit ballast, whose official launching will take place on the 10 – th of September, and the concreting workings of the sustaining platform of the sorting station being at end.

All the facilities are prepaired, and the access way to the pit ballast is also ready, a very important thing if we take into consideration the big number of trucks which are necessary for making the daily transport of the entire production of the pit ballast.
The components of the station have started to arrive and the first one are already set, respectively two shaking screens of 12 m² destined for sorting of the materials obtained after the crushing.

The activity of the pit ballast will be supported by a crusher with a capacity of 90 cm. All the sorting equipments are to be under tests at the end of September.
Taking into consideration its capacity, the station will have a fleet of 12 trucks with tubs destined for the inner transport of aggregates necessary for the alimentation of the station, all of them being 8 x 4. Within the technologic flow of the pit ballast will also work 4 frontal loaders and two excavators of high tonnage, all the machines belonging to NEF Service SRL.

Our company performs quality works sustained by an efficient float.
NEF Service SRL’ s activity of excavating and removal of the soil, sustained by an important float of 40 of trucks with tubs 8 x 4 offers an image upon the importance given to this activity within the company. NEF Service SRL, at present also offers supporting services of the moulding walls. Since the areas in the zone of high urban agglomerations are expensive, and still existing dismantled buildings, NEF Service SRL offers demolishing and moulding of the industrial and civil buildings.
The preparation of the industrial platforms supposes activities of uncovering, consolidation, gravelling and leveling.

All these phases are sustained by performing equipments of the society, using including the systems TOPCON 3D of leveling with LASER. The big number of new trucks and efficient equipments from NEF SERVICE float permit the achieving of big and important works in a short time, at high quality parameters imposed by the beneficiary.
General Manager NEF Service:
"We are who thought as this location to be endowed with the necessary equipments, having previous experience regarding the other locations. In this moment, with our orders, we manage to cover the whole production of the station. Though we have not got into function the station yet, we have already signed a partnership for material for roads constructions. We also consider that for the next year , the more orders we have, we shall open a new sorting station having in view the high request in this respect.
We are more and more solicited to make important excavations speaking of Bucharest Area, and further we specialize at present for supporting of high deep excavations where the moulding walls will be supported. We are very good in this segment, practically there is a increasment of the field activity even in constructions.
We have a team in fully development with precious specialists to meet any kind of requests, we are a reliable company and our partners grant us their fully trust."
Bd. Laminorului, no.47, Sector 1, Bucharest